There’s No Better Time to Become Tobacco/Vape Free!

Call 252-449-7390 Today!

Have you considered quitting tobacco? It’s the best health decision you can make. Outer Banks Health’s Center for Healthy living offers a tobacco cessation program that is evidenced-based and designed to assist you in reducing or quitting your smoking habit.

Maybe you’ve tried to quit smoking but were unsuccessful. There’s no better time than right now to reset the goal of a tobacco-free lifestyle. We understand the challenges and we can provide resources and support with strategies like setting a quit date, overcoming the urge to smoke and developing personalized activities to keep you from smoking.

Above all, we’re here to encourage you on your unique journey of quitting smoking. And, as long as you’re taking steps to move toward better health, it’s important to get an annual low-dose lung screening if you are:

  • Age 55-77
  • A current or former smokers (within the past 15 years) with a smoking history of at least 30 pack years (one pack/year for 30 years or two packs/year for 15 years)
  • In fairly good health, without other serious medical conditions that could limit the ability to obtain surgery or invasive procedures.
  • Do not exhibit the typical signs of lung cancer (cough, chest pain, weight loss)

Lung Screening Information

Virtual visit appointments are available! For more information or to make an appointment at The Center for Healthy Living, call 252-449-7390 today!

If you would like more information on the program, please call the number above or complete the form below and our tobacco cessation specialist will contact you directly.

Please complete the form below: